What we are doing the keep you and our staff safe from covid-19



GPS needlepoint bipolar ionization or NPBI™ technology

4 units installed covering our entire HVAC system: GPS’ NPBI technology safely cleans indoor air. This patented technology produces a high concentration of positive and negative ions, delivering them to the space via the ventilation system. Within the air stream, ions attach to particles, where they combine, become larger and are more easily filtered from the air. When ions come in contact with pathogens, they disrupt the pathogens’ surface proteins, rendering them inactive.


2 Molekule Air Pro Units: Developed over 25 years by research scientists, PECO is an innovative technology that utilizes free radicals—the same radicals used to destroy cancer cells—to break down pollutants at a molecular level, including VOCs, bacteria, mold, viruses, and allergens. By using nanotechnology, PECO is able to destroy pollutants 1000 times smaller than the standard filters must meet to qualify as HEPA.


We will have windows and doors open when temperature allows to provide fresh air and ventilation in our Dining areas.



We check each employees temperature before they clock in for their daily shift. We closely monitor all employees health for their safety and yours. All employees have taken an oath to stay home if they show in signs of illness and to maintain social distancing inside and outside of work.

social distancing

reservations only

We are operating with reservations only during this time. This helps us control the volume of our business and guarantee there will not be crowding while entering and exiting the restaurant.


All guest seating is spaced at a minimum of 6 feet apart from surrounding tables.


We are operating with 1/4 of our staff with guest occupancy at less than 50%

mask use and sanitizer

mask use requirements

All employees are required to wear masks at all times during their shift. We ask that guests wear masks at all times when not seated at their table. We also ask that guest wear a mask during all interactions with our staff.

hand sanitizer

We provide multiple locations for hand sanitizer through out the restaurant.